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Why I Chose To Start Estrogen Therapy With MD Total Wellness In Brea, CA

By Erin M.
Portrait shot happy mature woman relaxing on couch at home.

ONE BILLION WOMEN. That’s how many women worldwide are affected by perimenopause and menopause yet most are going through this stage of life without a basic understanding of it and without appropriate medical care.1, 2

Why? There is a staggering lack of education for women and their medical providers.  According to a 2022 study by obtained from the National Institute of Health, over 90% of women had never been taught about menopause in school and more than 68% of women looked for information about menopause from friends and websites only after their symptoms began.2 They had very little knowledge about the onset and impact of perimenopausal symptoms or how to manage them. Contributing to the lack of understanding is the fact that most health professionals don’t receive adequate training on managing hormonal changes in women, thus patient education for women is not always routine at medical appointments.3

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My Perimenopause Story

I was totally unprepared for the symptoms of perimenopause and didn’t even recognize them when they hit me. They didn’t hit suddenly, like a ton of bricks, but rather like a slow stream of steady punches, increasing in severity and frequency over time. 

Mood swings, feeling down, difficulty concentrating at work, fatigue, decreased interest in sex, joint pain, weight gain, and heart palpitations…these symptoms were somewhat easy to explain away since I was a working mom juggling the chaos of busy schedules, school, and full-time work.  Sure, I knew hot flashes were a symptom of “older women going through menopause,” but I didn’t have those, so I never connected my symptoms with a hormone issue. 

When sharing my symptoms and concerns with my primary doctor, he suggested weight loss and discussed starting an anti-depressant medication. I was hesitant to start this since the side effects included weight gain and I really didn’t want to be on an anti-depressant.  He also told me to use caution with the ibuprofen I had become accustomed to taking for my joint pain. No mention of hormonal changes, perimenopause, or menopause.  

My gynecologist seemed uninterested in my concerns and reassured me that “these types of things happen as we age” and that we could talk about hormone replacement when I reach menopause. 

As symptoms worsened, I started doing more research on my own and asking friends for referrals to a gynecologist, or someone who would listen and hopefully offer help.  

I went to two other providers. One was particularly kind and compassionate and explained that a progesterone IUD would likely alleviate my symptoms. To my dismay, periods became lighter, but no other symptoms resolved. Again, no mention of perimenopause and no other treatments were offered. 

Portrait shot happy mature woman relaxing on couch at home.

My Suffering Was Real

I started to feel depressed. How could I feel so horrible at such a “young” age? Is this what 47 is going to be like? Downhill from here? I just want to feel like myself again! This is not the real me! It was taking a toll on my marriage and my work. I debated taking a medical leave from work because my exhaustion and inability to focus and concentrate was so bad. Frustration and anger also set in.

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So Many “Why’s”

Why do the “experts” seem uninterested in helping? Why do they seemingly brush off or trivialize my concerns? Why is the medical system unable to help me? 

I decided to go to MD Total Wellness, a medical clinic in North Orange County in Brea that focuses on hormone replacement. I went with low expectations but hoping for answers and help.  Allison Mollet, PA-C, explained that the constellation of my symptoms was consistent with estrogen deficiency. She explained estrogen’s role throughout our body, various options for restoring levels, and the science and data to support its use and safety, including reducing the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, and dementia.  

She prescribed a topical cream with two types of bioidentical estrogens at a specific dose she thought was best…. and I went home to wait for it to arrive. Could something as simple as estrogen supplementation be the answer? 

Bioidentical Estrogen For The Win

The day after I started using my estrogen, I woke up without joint pain for the first time in years. “Too good to be true,” I thought, so I didn’t get excited or say much. I was afraid to jinx it.  

Within days, I felt my energy improving.  Two weeks later, I was asking my husband to go on a bike ride over the weekend.  Within six weeks, my clarity and efficiency at work was back and I finally felt like myself again. I stopped taking ibuprofen for joint pain and never started the anti-depressant my doctor initially recommended. 

So many aspects of my life improved; intimacy, work, sleep, weight, skin/nails, and mental clarity. I’m a better wife and mother, and I’m a happier me. 

Aging Is Not A Plight

One thing all of my providers’ had right was that female aging is normal. I would add that aging is nothing to be embarrassed by or quiet about.  Roughly half of our lives may be spent with reduced hormones and in today’s world, there is no reason a woman should suffer or feel like a shadow of herself.  My perspective on aging has really changed after starting estrogen and experiencing the profound change in my wellbeing. Aging is not an inevitable plight but a time of continued excitement, opportunity, meaning, and reward. 

Some women transition through perimenopause and menopause without significant symptoms. For those who experience symptoms, I offer encouragement. Be proactive in seeking proper education and care as this should be normalized and applauded….and you are worthy of it.  

I’m still fascinated by the power of a seemingly simple hormone cream. And there’s a sense of strength knowing that aging well is partly in my control. Restoring my estrogen had such an impact on my health and wellbeing that I can’t envision my life without it now. My experience speaks for the incredible role hormones play in our quality of life… and why I chose to start estrogen and will never look back. 

Erin M., Author


1. Hoga L, Rodolpho J, Gonçalves B, et al. Women’s experience of menopause: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep 2015; 13(8): 250–337. 

2. Harper JC, Phillips S, Biswakarma R, Yasmin E, Saridogan E, Radhakrishnan S, C Davies M, Talaulikar V. An online survey of perimenopausal women to determine their attitudes and knowledge of the menopause. Womens Health (Lond). 2022 Jan-Dec.

3. General practice (GP) Health Careers, https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/explore-roles/doctors/roles-doctors/general-practice-gp